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Finding self-confidence at GSU

Graduate Profile: Charuna Sri Chapuri


For, Charuna Sri Chapuri, an international student graduating with her master’s degree in Health Informatics, Governors State University (GSU) is a hub for learning and exploring new things.

As she sets her sights on a future in the healthcare industry, she credits GSU for instilling the discipline and confidence needed to make her dreams a reality.

GSU Newsroom: What conversation(s) that started at GSU will you continue into your workplace?

Chapuri: Intelligence matters, but it’s the effort and persistence that helps you in the long term. The things I would like to continue at work and throughout my life are discipline, hard work, and being confident while sticking to my roots.

GSU Newsroom: What was it like to be an international student at GSU?

Chapuri: Being an international student is surely a metamorphic experience. For most international students, the master’s program is the first time that we move away from the comforts of our home, into the real world and away from the protective wings of our parents. GSU is a great place to learn new things and explore. It makes you flexible and confident enough to put your thoughts and work accordingly.

GSU Newsroom: What are your top two experiences (or professors) at GSU and why?

Chapuri: My mom played a vital role in my education. She always pushed me to strive hard and be a better version of myself. Apart from her, Dr. Nafees Qamar had a great impact on me and my career at GSU. Being a student advisor, he was always there for us and gave us exceptional support to pursue our dream. He pushed us to think big and prepared us to face the real world. Yet another professor under whom I worked as a Graduate Assistant is Dr. Ning Lu. She saw that potential in me and made me achieve things. She pushed me to my limits to make me realize my worth.

GSU Newsroom: What were some challenges at GSU and how did the university help you to overcome them?

Chapuri: Being an international student, there was a little difficulty in the initial stages. However, the professors and university staff were very welcoming, so my concerns disappeared. Ask for help when you need it, never hesitate. Help comes from the most unexpected places at the time. When you need aid academically or otherwise, ask your peers. Never hesitate. They will help you without judging you.

GSU Newsroom: How did GSU prepare you for working in the post-Covid world?

Chapuri: We students face many challenges in changing from university to workplace, yet there are a bunch of resources at GSU to help. There were sessions on both hard and soft skills which are needed before entering the job market. Also as a GA, I had more chances to learn all operational skills, which will help my future in my career.

 GSU Newsroom: What’s next after graduation?

Chapuri: My travel to GSU and the experience of which I gained through my courses will always be cherished. I would like to see myself as an emerging asset to the healthcare industry and would like to explore a lot of areas in healthcare.