University Park, IL,
16:41 PM

HOPE Presentation at GSU

GSU hosted Reverend Father Stefan Hippler, Co-Founder and Chair of HOPE Cape Town on Tuesday, May 31. HOPE Cape Town is a non-profit organization in South Africa that focuses on HIV/AIDS prevention and education. Reverend Hippler, a well-known public figure in South Africa and global HIV/AIDS service community, gave a presentation entitled “Bridging the Gaps in Resource Limited Environment”. He shared with the audience the services his organization provides to the South African community, as well as the challenges they face in bringing the services to people who struggle with poverty and health problems. GSU faculty, staff, and students attended the presentation and engaged in lively discussions after the session.

GSU faculty and students who recently returned from a two week trip to South Africa also presented at the event. Drs. Olumide Ijose and Cynthia Carr, faculty leaders of the trip, and three student participants of the trip (Glenda Ramsey, Robert Mason, and Samuel Adebayo) shared with the audience their experience in South Africa.

The event was sponsored by the College of Business and College of Health and Human Services.